Support for Sports

Support for the triathlon

Sun Frontier supports the development of human resources through sports.

Sun Frontier Fudousan Co., Ltd. is an official sponsor of the Japanese Triathlon Union (JTU). We support triathletes who continue to challenge high goals, support the spread and development of triathlon and paratriathlon competitions, and sponsor various competitions.

Sado International Triathlon Competition

Sun Frontier is a sponsor of the Sado International Triathlon Competition, which is held in Sado City, Niigata Prefecture, the hometown of the Chairman Representative Director Tomoaki Horiguchi.

The athletes continuing to race with all their might and challenge their limits is impressive and is always encouraging and exciting.

International A Type Swim 4.0 km, Bike 190 km, Run 42.2 km
International B Type Swim 2.0 km, Bike 108 km, Run 21.1 km
International R Type Three-person relay team with one person per event over the same distance as the international B type.

There are three types: International A, International B, and International R. The International A type is the longest distance race in the approximately 150 triathlon competitions held in Japan, and the finishers are awarded the title of “ASTRO MAN.”

Every year, our employees participate as athletes.

Scene from the 2018 triathlon