Sustainability Vision


We will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through our business activities while respecting the heart of altruism, the Group policy.

The system to promote sustainability

With the aim of contributing to the realization of a sustainable society and increasing corporate value over the medium to long term, we have established“ Sustainability Committee” consisting of the President Representative Director as chairman, the Head of Sustainability Promotion Office as vice chairman, sustainability officers of each division as committee member and outside directors as advisor to promote strongly the activities that contribute to the resolution of social issues based on Management Principle and Corporate Philosophy.

Organizations and committees Roles
Board of Directors Receives reports from the Sustainability Committee on the status of and measures to manage climate change-related risks and supervises the progress of measures.
President Representative Director Receives reports on the status of overall sustainability activities, including climate change-related activities, from the Sustainability Committee, an advisory body. Has the highest responsibility for risk assessment and management, including climate change risks.
Risk Verification Committee As an advisory body to the President Representative Director, discusses comprehensive risk assessment, including climate change. Examines the risks reported by the Risk Management Committee and instructs the business divisions to take measures through the Risk Management Committee.
Risk Management Committee Discusses comprehensive management of and measures against risks in operations, including climate change. Meetings held once a month.
Sustainability Committee As an advisory body to the President Representative Director, promotes sustainability activities, including climate change countermeasures. In coordination with the Risk Verification Committee and the Risk Management Committee, summarizes risks and opportunities related to climate change etc. for each division and Group company, considers measures to be taken, and makes periodic reports to the Board of Directors. Meetings held four times a year.

Please refer to the following link for more information on the "Corporate Governance."

Corporate Governance