Internal Control

Basic policy for building an internal control system

Sun Frontier Fudousan Co., Ltd.

1. Systems to ensure that the execution of duties by directors and employees complies with laws and regulations

All directors and employees shall strive to establish a management system that is trusted by society on an ongoing basis in the future by strengthening internal management systems and raising awareness of compliance, based on the recognition that it is our social responsibility as a company to always embody the spirit of legal compliance and execute business based on a fair and high level of ethics.

In concrete terms, the Internal Audit Office, which is under direct control of the President Representative Director, will be established to conduct regular internal audits of all divisions and group companies without exception. In internal audits, the Company shall ascertain the status of business operations and systems, and shall fairly investigate and verify whether all business operations are conducted appropriately in compliance with laws and regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, and internal rules, and whether corporate systems, organizations, and rules are proper and appropriate. The results of audits shall be reported to the President Representative Director and Audit and Supervisory Committee on a regular basis. Also the Company shall report to board of directors as needed. In addition, the Company will establish a “Corporate Ethics Help Line” and establish an internal reporting system with various contact methods that thoroughly protects reporters in order to prevent and promptly detect violations of laws and regulations and misconduct to improve the mobility of the self-cleaning process, control reputational risks, and ensure public trust. Furthermore, in order to raise awareness of compliance, the Legal Department will be established and various training and education will be conducted.

The Company and group companies shall have no relationship with anti-social forces and shall respond resolutely to unreasonable demands.

2. System for storage and management of information related to the execution of duties by directors

Information related to the execution of duties by directors, such as records related to decision-making at important meetings including the Board of Directors meetings and documents approved by each director in accordance with the “Regulations on Administrative Authority,” shall be appropriately recorded, and shall be retained for a specified period of time in accordance with laws and regulations and the “Regulations on the Handling of Documents,” and shall be kept available for inspection by directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members as necessary. The General Manager of the Administration Department shall be responsible for supervising the storage and management of information.

3. Regulations concerning the management of risk of loss and other system

In order to respond to all risks that threaten the improvement of corporate value and the sustainable development of the Company, the Company will strive to establish an organizational crisis management system by creating a risk management manual and establishing a task force headed by the President Representative Director (including a team of external experts such as corporate lawyers) in the event of an unforeseen event.

4. Systems to ensure efficient execution of duties by directors

As an indicator for establishing and implementing the corporate vision of the entire corporation, the Company has formulated a medium-term management policy and a single-year management plan. In order to realize the management policy and the management plan, the Board of Directors has clarified the executive authority and responsibilities of directors and has increased the efficiency of the execution of duties. In addition, with regard to matters for which decisions on business execution have been delegated to the President Representative Director and directors in charge of business execution of other matters, necessary decisions shall be made based on the “Organization Regulations” or the “Regulations for Management of Affiliated Companies” including group companies. These regulations shall also be appropriately reviewed based on revisions and abolition of laws and regulations and for the purpose of improving the efficiency of the execution of duties.

5. Systems to ensure the appropriateness of operations within the corporate group consisting of the Company and group companies

In order to ensure the appropriate execution of operations by group companies, the Corporate Planning Department shall be responsible for the management of the group companies in accordance with the “Regulations for the Management of Affiliated Companies.” While respecting the autonomy of the group companies, the Corporate Planning Department shall receive periodic reports on the status of the business of the group companies. In addition, the Corporate Planning Department shall require prior consultation or prior approval with the Company for important management matters of the group companies. Group companies' management plans are also formulated under the control of the Company, and the Company provides timely and appropriate advice and guidance during the business period to improve the efficiency of group companies' operations. In addition, the Company and its group companies have established a Risk Management Committee chaired by the President Representative Director and assign risk management officers to each division. In the event that any risk is discovered in management or business, it shall be reported to the Risk Management Committee, and the risk information shall be analyzed and countermeasures shall be considered to prevent damage or to minimize damage to the Company and the group companies if such damage occurs. We will establish a system for reporting violations of laws and regulations or illegal acts that have occurred or may occur at group companies to the internal reporting desk or outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members specified in the “Regulations on the Corporate Ethics Help Line”. We will strive for early detection and resolution of these violations.

The Internal Audit Office shall conduct internal audits of all group companies in order to ensure the effectiveness and appropriateness of systems, organizations, and regulations covering the overall operations of group companies. The results of these audits shall be reported to the organization designated by the Company’s President Representative Director.

President Representative Director shall prepare and report its financial statements in accordance with fair and appropriate accounting standards in order to enhance the reliability of financial reporting and increase corporate value of the Company and its group companies.

6. Matters relating to employees who are required to assist Audit & Supervisory Board Members in performing their duties

In the event that Audit & Supervisory Board Members request that an employee be assigned to assist them in performing their duties, such employee shall be assigned as an Audit & Supervisory Board Members’ assistant. The auditor’s assistant shall be appointed from persons who have sufficient knowledge of accounting and law and shall perform their duties in accordance with the instructions of the Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

7. Matters related to the independence of employees from directors in the preceding paragraph

In order to ensure the independence of the auditor’s assistant as set forth in the preceding paragraph, personnel changes and evaluations of such employees shall be reported to Audit & Supervisory Board Members in advance and their consent shall be obtained.

8. Matters related to ensuring the effectiveness of instructions given by Audit & Supervisory Board Members to employees in Section (6.)

The auditor’s assistant in Section (6.) will have the opportunity to accompany the Audit & Supervisory Board Members to Board of Directors meetings and other important meetings. They will also accompany the Audit & Supervisory Board Members and regularly exchange opinions with the President Representative Director and accounting auditors. Directors and other employees will cooperate with the Audit & Supervisory Board Members to improve the auditing environment so that the duties of the auditor’s assistant are carried out smoothly.

9. System for reporting to Audit & Supervisory Board Member and other Members by Directors and employees of the Company and group companies

All directors and department heads shall report on the status of the execution of their duties from time to time at meetings in the Board of Directors and other meetings attended by the Audit & Supervisory Board Members. All directors and department heads shall be permitted to attend any Company meetings the Audit & Supervisory Board requests to attend.

All directors and employees of the Company and its group companies shall report to the Audit & Supervisory Board Members as soon as they discover any matter that has or may have a material impact on the Company's credibility, business performance or any material violation of the Corporate Vision and/or Corporate Code of Conduct.

Directors and employees of the Company and group companies may report to the internal reporting office of the Company as set forth in the “Regulations on the Corporate Ethics Help Line” at any time. In addition, they may voluntarily report to outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members. The Compliance Department of the Company provides education and training opportunities for directors and employees to raise awareness of the hotline and encourage active reporting.

The Company shall explicitly stipulate in the “Regulations on the Corporate Ethics Help Line” that directors and employees of the Company and group companies shall not be subjected to unfavorable treatment in personnel evaluation and shall not be subject to adverse dispositions such as disciplinary action by reporting to the internal reporting office, and shall make it known that they shall not be subject to adverse dispositions due to reporting to Audit & Supervisory Board Members.

10. Matters related to the policy regarding the handling of expenses and obligations arising from the execution of duties by Audit & Supervisory Board Members

The Company shall promptly respond to requests from Audit & Supervisory Board Members for advance payment of expenses incurred in the execution of their duties, reimbursement of expenses incurred and repayment of obligations incurred, except in cases where such expenses can be proved not to have arisen in the execution of their duties.

11. Systems to ensure effective audits by Audit & Supervisory Board Members

President Representative Director will hold regular meetings with Audit & Supervisory Board Members in order to facilitate mutual communication. In addition, in accordance with the “ Regulations for Internal Audit” and the “Internal Audit Implementation Guidelines,” the Internal Audit Office shall maintain close contact and coordination and cooperate to ensure that audits by Audit & Supervisory Board Members and audits by the accounting auditor are conducted efficiently and effectively.