Energy Conservation and Cost Reduction

Japan's first* renewable energy power service for office building tenants

No matter which office building you work in, you can choose renewable energy. Reduce costs by 10-15% while being environmentally conscious.

News Release

* Japan Energy and Ecology Survey

January 23, 2020

The Company, which specializes in the revitalization and utilization of real estate in central Tokyo, and Japan Energy & Ecology Inc., (Minato-ku, Representative Director: Kinya Kubo, hereinafter “Japan Energy & Ecology”) which provides support for corporate energy procurement, collaborated to launch Japan's first renewable energy power service (hereinafter “the service”) for office building tenants.

Key Features of the Service

  • For the first time in Japan, a tenant in a building (from a single floor) can meet the standards of environmental initiatives such as RE100 and RE Action.
  • By purchasing electricity at a low cost, building owners can reduce costs in line with environmental measures.
  • All troublesome procedures related to the procurement and application for use of environmental value (J-Credit) are handled on behalf of suppliers.

Conceptual diagram

Buildings where this service is introduced

As COP25 has become a topic in recent years, we have become the first company in the real estate industry to design a solution for office building tenants on climate change-related initiatives.

In the past, when tenants moved in, the building owners used electricity procured from an electric power company, so there was no flexibility on the tenant side. However, in response to the growing needs of building tenants, this service procures electricity by combining “J-Credits” derived from renewable energy with cost-effective electricity. This is the first time in Japan that a tenant in a building is able to meet the standards of environmental initiatives such as RE100 and RE Action.

At present, this service is being introduced in office buildings owned by Sun Frontier Fudousan Co., Ltd., and the number of buildings subject to this service will be gradually expanded to promote a sustainable society and global environmental conservation.