Established: April 1, 2005
Revised: May 1, 2006
Sun Frontier Fudousan Co., Ltd.
Tomoaki Horiguchi, President
Placing user trust before all other considerations, the Company hereby declares its intention to help maintain order in the community, uphold all applicable laws and regulations pertaining to personal information protection, and carry out its business activities in the understanding that proper handling of personal information and efforts to ensure its protection are the Company’s social responsibility.
1. Gathering, using and providing personal information
The Company shall create an organization for the protection and management of personal information, and create and uphold regulations to ensure it is collected, used and provided appropriately.
2. Personal information security measures
To ensure personal information security and accuracy, the Company shall implement appropriate security management measures to protect against risks that could affect the personal information in its possession (unauthorized access, loss, leakage, destruction and tampering).
3. Education
The Company shall create awareness of the importance of personal information by providing its employees (including officers, fulltime employees, contract employees and temporary staff) with education and awareness activities on topics such as helping maintain order in the community, and upholding laws and regulations pertaining to personal information protection.
4. Upholding laws, regulations and standards pertaining to personal information
The Company shall keep all its employees properly informed of the issues pertaining to personal information handling. It shall keep them continually abreast of the laws, regulations and standards pertaining to personal information protection, and ensure that these laws, regulations and standards are upheld.
5. Ongoing improvements to personal information protection activities
To ensure personal information is properly protected, the Company shall continually oversee the implementation of protection activities, review them periodically, and endeavor to make ongoing improvements and advances.